This is a message from the California Department of Education (CDE), Early Education Division (EED). *************************** Subject: Emergency Disaster Relief Information and Resources Related to
Jenny Mensch
Jenny Mensch
Subject: Emergency Disaster Relief Information and Resources Related to Wildfires
Attention: Executive Directors and Program Administrators of California State Preschool Programs, and Other Interested Parties
In response to an emergency proclamation issued on January 7, 2025, by Governor Newsom regarding the Palisades Fire in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, the California Department of Education (CDE), Early Education Division (EED) is sending this notice to all EED, California State Preschool Program (CSPP) contracting agencies.
On January 7, 2025, Governor Newsom declared a state of emergency to help ensure the availability of critical resources to address the fire related evacuation orders, destruction of and ongoing threats to homes, structures, critical infrastructure, transportation, communication sites, and transmission lines.
In addition to the Palisades Fire, there are multiple other fires impacting communities in Los Angeles, Ventura, and other counties.
The CDE, EED recognizes the impact on communities caused by these events and the resulting, often long-term, emergency conditions. Some events may render CSPP contractors, including family childcare home providers serving children and families through a CSPP Family Childcare Home Education Network (FCCHEN), inoperable and therefore unable to provide CSPP services, and may also increase the number of families experiencing homelessness.
The CDE, EED is providing information that may be helpful in responding to local disasters, as well as for local agency recovery efforts in continuing to serve California’s early education needs.
Reimbursement for Reduced Days of Operation
The California Education Code (EC) Section 8249 states that agencies that are unable to operate due incomplete repairs and renovations that have been authorized by the CDE, or due to circumstances beyond their control, including, but not limited to, earthquakes, fires, or floods, will not be financially penalized for approved day(s) of closure.
Should your agency be required to close due to the impacts from a wildfire, including but not limited to mandatory evacuation orders or evacuation warnings, poor air quality, power outages, and/or staffing shortages due to staff being impacted by the fire and unable to safely travel to/from work or having been displaced by the fire, your agency can be reimbursed for days of closure related to the emergency situation.
Please contact your assigned EED, Program Quality Implementation (PQI) Office Regional Consultant as soon as possible if your agency was impacted by the weather or if you have any questions regarding this announcement. The Regional Consultant directory can be accessed on the CDE Consultant Regional Assignments web page at If you are unable to access the web page, please call the EED main phone line at 916-322-6233.
Incidents at Licensed Facilities
If you operate a licensed facility, please report any incidents on the premises to the California Department of Social Services pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, Title 22, sections 101212(d) and 102416.2(c). All licensed facilities should follow their disaster plans on file pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 1596.95(f).
Families Experiencing Homelessness Due to a Disaster
For information regarding Homeless Children and Youth, please refer to the CDE Management Bulletin (MB) 18-04 which is located at MB 18-04 communicates provisions for contractors to better support and serve families who are experiencing homelessness.
Resources for Disaster Response and Recovery
California Resource and Referral (R&R) programs provide training and technical assistance, as well as resources for Early Learning and Care providers. Please contact your local R&R for information on available resources. A list of R&Rs is found on the CDE web site at
Additional Resources
For resources related to wildfires, including what to do before, during and after a wildfire, please refer to the CDE’s Wildfires web page at
For information on the CDE Resources for Disaster and Emergency Resources, please refer to the CDE Resources for Natural Disaster and Severe Weather web page at
For information on disaster assistance and resources in California, please refer to the CDE Disaster Resources web page at
For information on emergency resources from federal, state, and local agencies, please refer to the California Office of Emergency Services (OES) website at
Information on the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Community Care Licensing Regional Offices can be found at the CDSS website at
For information on Helping Children Cope After a Disaster, visit the Office of Head Start Early Childhood and Learning Center website at
The California MAP to inclusion and Belonging: Coping with Trauma Resources website is at
For resources to help children, families, and communities navigate what they are seeing and hearing, and finding ways to cope together, visit the National Child Trauma Stress Network website is at
Early Education Division
California Department of Education