Hello! We hope you are doing well! We praise the Lord for you and thank you for your continued support whether that is in prayer or financially or both! We wanted to get you an update of what God is d
Steve Lytle

We hope you are doing well! We praise the Lord for you and thank you for your continued support whether that is in prayer or financially or both! We wanted to get you an update of what God is doing in Strongsville, Ohio at First Baptist Church of Strongsville so here it is.
God is continuing to be gracious to us. Here are a few highlights of what has been taking place:
• We had a guy that just started coming to our church receive Christ last week! Pray for Phil as he begins to grow in Christ!
• The son of a woman that comes to the church here received Christ 3 weeks ago! She has been praying for him for years. Please pray for Steve as he grows in Christ!
• As a church, we have started an annual renewal of membership to emphasize the importance of membership and to make sure our records are kept up to date. We had our first round of this in January for our current members and it went over very well!
• We had our first New Member Orientation at the end of January since we as a family came in August of 2023. 5 people attended! As we have been walking through the process, others have let us know they want to become members as well!
• We have a couple new teenagers coming to youth group on Sunday nights and for one of them, it is her first time being in a church. She is listening intently to everything from God’s Word.
• We have had gotten up as high as 12 kids this year in our Wednesday Night Word of Life kids program!
• This past Sunday a guy that is our family’s neighbor came to church by himself. That may not seem like a big deal but as much as we have had the chance to be around this guy, his wife always seemed to be the one leading the spiritual charge in their home, not him, even though they both claim to be saved. I talked to him after the service on Sunday, told him it was good to see him and asked him where his wife was. He told me she was sick. I told him I was sorry to hear that but told him I was glad he still came. He smiled and said, “it’s about what we worship, right?!” We talk a lot at our church about what we worship so that was sooo encouraging to hear from him! Him and his wife are coming over to our house this Thursday evening to begin praying for the neighborhood we live in.
• God continues to bring us guests. So far in 2025, we have had 30 guests!
• At the start of January, prior to bad weather hitting, we saw two Sundays in a row of 65 in attendance on Sunday morning. That is a new high!
• With all the snow and ice in January and February, we had a leak in ceiling of the men’s bathroom. A company that had worked on our roof last year came out and took care of the leak at no charge to us.
Here are a few items you can pray for at our church:
• On March 15th, we are having a Free Christian Dads Workshop to help Christian Dads think through how to lead their families spiritually. We have 28 guys signed up so far! If you know of a Christian Dad that might benefit from this, please pass it on. Here is the signup link - www.eventbrite.com/e/a-c...opyurl
• On April 13th, we are having a spaghetti lunch fundraiser following our service for our kids and teens going to camp at Skyview Ranch this summer. Everything is by donation. We just want to help families as much as we can get their kids and teens to camp.
• We are continuing to think through what needs done maintenance wise in our building.
Here are a few praise items and items you can pray for, for our family:
• Praise
• Hudson (our oldest son) is doing great from his knee surgery back at the end of January! No restrictions at all.
• Due in part to the generosity of people and churches giving, we were able to find a much more reliable minivan. This has been so great as we do a lot of picking kids and students up to bring them to church, youth group and church events.
• Prayer
• We are burdened for our next door neighbors, Rick and Robin. They are not saved. We have a great relationship with them and have proclaimed the Gospel to them on multiple occasions. They are not vehemently opposed to the Gospel or anything like that, they just treat it as not for them. Please join us in praying for their salvation!
• We are excited and ready to catch a breather as a family. We are driving down to Florida for our kids spring break. To keep cost down, we are staying at a Christian Camp just outside of Orlando and will have the chance to do some fun things around the area. We are praying it is truly a refreshing time.
• I was asked to participate in a missions trip to Liberia with ABWE in November of this year that is focused on helping to teach local pastors there as most of them have little to no pastoral or theological training. I would love to take my whole family. We are praying for wisdom with this and finances for this.
• It is not going to end up working to see my mom and dad in Canada in the first half off this year. We are trying to figure out what that can look like later in the year or maybe at Christmas.
• Our church is not yet at a place where they can fully support our family financially. We are praying God continues to provide.
I think that is it for now. If you have any questions, please let us know!
Grace and peace,
Steve Lytle
First Baptist Church of Strongsville
Mission | Enjoy God and make the name of Jesus famous for all the right reasons.
P | 330-685-4004
E | Steve@fbcstrongsville.com
W | fbcstrongsville.com
FB | @firstbaptistchurchofstrongsville
YT | @firstbaptistchurchofstrong6181
Romans 5:6-8